woensdag 18 maart 2009

International week

Last week we had the international week.

Monday: I was really looking forward to meet the new students but especially the 2 Belgian girls and the girl from Holland. But when I came in the classroom there were a lot of people. Who will be the delegation from Belgium? I decided to take a seat and they were sitting next to me! Haha, found them. We immediately started speaking! They were great! After the lessons and the tour in Haderslev we had a very nice evening meal with typical Danish food, of course ‘frikadeller’.

Tuesday: We had a lesson about stereotypes. I had to present Germany. There was also a group who had to make a drawing about the Belgian stereotypes and they were very close. Watch the picture and you will see. After the lesson we went to Ribe and the old town. I went to lunch with the Belgian girls and of course, we ate some sweets…

Wednesday: We had a music lesson. It was very nice, we made music with our body, voice and instruments. I went with the Belgian girls for thee and pancakes to Kafka. Mmm… Belgian tradition: eat sweets at 4 o’clock!

Thursday: We had a morning off. The international students went for school visits. Later that day we prepared the ‘Plopdans’ for the Eurovision song contest! That was very funny! We had the most people dancing! I enjoyed it!

Friday: We presented ‘the Danisher’. Our self made newspaper with our reflections and thoughts. It was very special to see that every other country had made something different! After the presentations we had an international lunch. Eating, again! The Belgian girls left and I’m staying here for another 1.5 month, which I of course don’t mind!

It was very nice meeting all of you!

Geen opmerkingen:

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