dinsdag 24 maart 2009


Last week (already week 8!) we started with a cooking lesson. Njammie! One of the most tastefull lessons! Everybody cooked very nice things. I prepared typical Danish food, but of course also Belgian food, what everbody seems to like! Baked apples with sugar, a very good dessert! I even had to promise to Maté and Noémi that I would make it again for them. But of course, I want something in return! Haha! We started eating around 11.30 and we ate our thummy's round and round and round until we couldn't eat any more! And the meals that caused all this are:

- bulgur from Turkey.

- bramborové placičky flrom Czech Republic.

- goulash soup and poppy seed cake from Hungary.

- dumplings and cheese cake from Poland.

- omelet from Spain.

- frikadeller from Denmark.

- baked apples with sugar from Belgium.

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